“I’m so fortunate and thankful for Dr. Korin Potenza, Dr. Nick Huggons and the SLREH team for saving Candy, who underwent emergency Colic surgery on March 1st, 2014. Their ability to explain exactly what was happening and their sincere compassion helped me know that Candy was getting the best care possible. Candy jumped through many hoops during her stay at SLREH and I know she was in the hands of the greatest, most educated veterinarians who put pride into their work. Even after Candy returned home, Dr. Potenza and Dr. Nick Huggons wanted updates on how she was doing and her progress. Once all of Candys colic and pneumonia was cleared, I continued to have her visit SLREH, Dr Potenza and Dr Huggons on a regular bases for her routine maintenance and sports medicine needs. They go above and beyond and have treated Candy like their own. With all their help, support, time and outpouring generosity, Candy got to return back to the game she loved the most, 3-Day Eventing, after a very long road to recovery. Dr Potenza and Dr Huggons were a huge help in both mine and Candys long journey to the Advanced level of 3-Day Eventing. This past June (2015) Candy and I competed and won our first Advanced – it was truly a fairy tale – which Candy much deserved. Unfortunately, Candy suffered a tragic pasture accident in late August (2015) that resulted in a spiral fracture to her left front radius. We talked about options, but the best thing for Candy was to have her euthanized. I was on the opposite side of the country when this happened, but because of Dr Potenza and Dr Huggons’s care and compassion for Candy, they drove out to my barn to say goodbye to her for me and be with her in her last moments…it meant the world to me. Candy was my partner in crime, my horse of a life time, and my best friend. I met Dr Korin Potenza and Dr Nick Huggons durning really unfortunate circumstances, but I’m blessed that our paths have crossed and to have them be a huge part of my life. They are my superheroes. A heartfelt thank you to Dr. Potenza and Dr. Huggons for everything that they have done and continue to do.”